Bit off more than enough!

It's Friday, almost 1:00, and I am working both Saturday and Sunday.  I better get busy in my craft room.  I am posting this to make myself more accountable for my time.  I have a demo swap at the Stampin' Up! demo meeting on Monday evening, and I am still kicking around card ideas.  I came up with a really cool card idea, on my own, for a graduation card.  But, the Summer Smooches promotion starts on Sunday, and I would love to make a card featuring some of the new products I bought.  I think the brain is on overload, because I starting imagining all kinds of cards I could make, then I start blog hopping looking for other ideas.  I don't know why I do that, because sometimes I think it undermines my own creativity.  I guess it is the need for assurance that my own idea is "good enough", or "best". 
I also volunteered to give a demonstration on Monday night at the demo meeting of a new idea or technique.  Right away I came across something that I wanted to do for the demo.  I was supposed to do this at the March meeting, but because of a slight mix up, my demo got pushed back to April.  The idea was for an Easter project, and the fact that the April meeting is less than a week before Easter, I decided to shelf that project until next year.  But, because it was so cute, I made up a couple of these for myself, and last week I took one to my friend, Kay Kalthoff, who is my upline from Stampin' Up!  She thought it was so cute and begged me to do it as my April demo, even if it was close to Easter. 
So, today I have to cut ribbon and paper, and I have to prepare kits for 26 demonstrators to do my project.  I am very tickled to demo this project, but I have to make up several samples, and practice my demonstration.  When I did my first ones, I just kind of freehanded the roses, but now I have to perfect the pattern so that I can explain it and others can do it.   Then, I have to make a card for the demo card swap.  I better get going and get the job done.  I guess the time has come to "get 'er done!" 
Here is my sneak peek at the demo project, in progress. The original idea came from the Sizzix website under the project ideas.  It reminded me of the sugar Easter eggs I used to make years ago.  They were fun to mold the sugar egg, then you carved it out and put a little diorama inside.  You decorated the outside with royal icing flowers.  Lots of work, but impressive.  This one is made with a Styrofoam egg, paper flowers, and ribbon.  And, if you are really ambitious you could carve it out and put something inside, but I skipped that.  LOL!
It is now after 8:00, and I finally got this posted.  I did alot of experimenting today to get a flower I was pleased with.  As I said, the original idea came from the Sizzix website, and used a 3d flower die.  When I looked at it I thought 'that's just a scalloped flower cut spiral with a scallop scissors.  I can do that'.  So, I punched a 2in  scallop circle with my Scallop Circle #2 (113469) die from Stampin' Up!  I cut the blue flower with just a straight spiral inside.  I cut the pink one with a spiral, but I cut a scallop freehand as I did the spiral.  I like the pink one better, but both are just as cute.   (I also did one using a scallop scissors from Fiskars, and that worked well, too.  Because I am doing this for a Stampin' Up! demonstrator's project, I am sticking to their tools.)
I did take a break this afternoon and my husband had just started watching a movie, 2012.  I got interested in the movie, so I went and grabbed the Big Shot, paper and dies, and started cutting out a whole bunch of butterflies, for this project, and the card I am making.  That made for a fun afternoon.
Thanks for stopping by today.  I will let you know how the group liked my project.  I think it's cute.
