Happy Easter

Hope that you had a wonderful Easter. I certainly did.  There was so much preparation to get ready to entertain my family, and I am such a procrastinator.  With the help of my family, I pulled it off, I mean we pulled it off.  My daughter and her husband stopped by early to visit before going to dinner with Tom's family. She helped me in the kitchen, put out tablecloths, helped with last minute chores, and then she had to leave, just as it was time for guests to arrive.  I was so very thankful for her help, because I was actually dressed, make up on, and house tidy when my guest arrived.  They usually catch me running into the bedroom to change my clothes as they arrive. Does anybody else do that, accept maybe my sister?
The very best part of the day was the visit from the Easter bunny.  I got a photo of the little bunny, my 3 month old, Olivia.  She was all dolled up in a pretty dress and I added the ears.  I just wish she would have been able to stick around to see her cousins. 
Funny thing is that we had no little kids at my house until desert was served.  There was no egg hunt, but I was prepared to do one.  When Meadow and Nolan arrived at my house, they went right for the candy that was all around.  Mommy started saying 'no more candy', and we put it all up out of reach.  Now, if only I could keep it out of reach.  Maybe I should have somebunny come in and hide all the left over candy from me!  I am so used to having a house full of kids, and not so long ago teenagers, who would gobble gobs of candy, and dozens of plastic eggs to fill for kids to find.  Something in me still wants to buy enough candy to feed an army.  Well, it is a good thing that chocolates don't spoil quickly.  I can keep the stash in my craft room :)

And, the good new is.......the craft room was "clean" enough to serve as a dining room.  Boy, it's when you try to put "every thing" away, that you realize you have too many craft supplies to fit the given space.  Guess I have to put up more shelves :)  But, it was a very good effort to make it acceptable enough that guests could sit in the room.  I am proud of my craft room.....today.  Wait till I get in there tomorrow.
All in all, it was a very nice day.  Hope you all had a nice Easter, too, and thanks for stopping by my blog. 
